Snail Pin
Snail Pin
I stopped at the stone wall I was building to watch a leopard spotted snail on a gray rock I had just pulled out of the ground 50 feet away. At first he wasn’t moving. I watched anyway for more time than I am willing to admit. Then I went back to sorting and stacking rocks and was surprised to see he had moved three inches. I got down close to watch and saw the two little eyeball tentacles searching the space ahead and the slow movement more like sliming its way forward across the rock. Couldn’t see what was happening underneath to propel it forward.o
Who would want a snail? A scientist perhaps. Deep, deep nature lovers who spend real time outdoors. Acolytes of Henry David Thoreau. The shell, it’s movement, the growth and life cycle all are part of the pageantry of life.
Snail Pin CA212 $195.00